Delgada finished taking her Selfie tour of Azeroth and beyond last week sometime. I have been lazy (busy) and haven't posted the rest of them here. She is happily wearing her new shiny title and finding other things to occupy her time, which is just fine, because I am sick of these selfies! Here, take them, I'll be researching music roll locations.
Aaaauuuchindoun! (Talador, Draenor) |
Looks better in one piece. |
I can't believe they let me in here! |
Temple of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley, Draenor. |
Is there a demon behind me? |
Throne of Kil'jaeden, Hellfire Peninsula |
Inside one of the Eco-domes in Netherstorm, the best vacation spot in Outland. |
The largest of the Eco-Domes, Stormspire. |
The Aldor Army. |
Shattrath City, Outland. |
Nagrand is beautiful, regardless of the timeline! |
Throne of the Elements, Nagrand, Outland. |
More like Veil of Eternal Sorrow. |
Veil of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria. |
Sunsong Ranch, Valley of the Four Winds. |
Liu Lang was the greatest explorer ever. |
Turtle Beach, Krasarang Wilds, Pandaria. |
Goodnight... |
Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest, Northrend. |
Oh, Kalec, I couldn't! |
Wyrmerest Temple, Dragonblight, Northrend. |
Ahh! Ghosts! |
Naxxramas, Dragonblight, Northrend. |
Right about here I got tired of reminding Delgada that this wasn't all about her, because, really, it was all about her. From here to the end all she cared was that she went, saw, and selfied.
Wintergrasp Fortress, Wintergrasp, Northrend. (FOR THE HORDE!) |
Daggercap Bay, Howling Fjord, Northrend. |
More of Daggercap Bay. |
Mount Neverest, Kun Lai Summit, Pandaria. (take 2) |
Halls of Origination, Uldum, Kalimdor. |
So, there you have it, all the self serving pictures Delgada could handle to get a silly title. I have Del's next collection under way, and there will be pictures (hopefully not as many selfies!)