I read in a post on Facebook that the boar spirit that Aggem Thorncurse calls out can be tamed. The post also said that he won't be around for much longer. Carlatta likes rare pets, but only those that are easy to get at. Razorfen Kraul is right there in the easy category, so I took her over to get her very own ghost piggy, and I named him while I waited for hubby to come and get one for his hunter.
Hubby knows I meant it to be nice. |
She has other pets that are special, but not impossible to get. Here's a recent tame that she loves running around with enough that a transmog to match might be in order.
Competing for my attention. |
I tamed Feras in the Stonetalon Mountains near Malaka'jin. He has a metallic sheen to him and his eyes are red. He is a low level rare spawn, which makes server maintenance day a good time to go look for him.
Fluffy the Kurken. |
When beast mastery hunters were able to tame exotic pets, Carlatta knew which one she really wanted. Or rather, Carlotta did. Every hunter I have from then out always gets their very own Fluffy right when they can. While out there, I might scare a few lowbies and explore the islands, maybe even pick up a ravager, too.
Favored of Isiset. |
Favored is found in the Burning Steppes. There is only one other carrion bird with his same coloring, unless you count a ghostly version.
Silithid Harvester. |
The Silithid Harvester used to carry a quest item way back in the day. He was a rare back then, too. No other beetle has his coloring! I love the sound this guy makes when he walks. A guildie suggested I name him Twinkletoes, and it stuck. Usually I try to give them their name. Maybe he could have been Harvey?
Blacksting. |
Blacksting is a quest objective in Zangarmarsh. He is the only firefly with this coloring, and I love it.
Do you know of any eye catching pet models out there that she must have? I have lots of room in her stable. Leave me a comment, please!