Lostariel has been a bunch of fun to play. So much so that I totally blew off planning which quests to complete and what gear to purchase. I should have done this a few days ago, but I have been running random instances with great people and a few schmucks, and here I am still making excuses for not posting more about my experiment sooner.

Lostariel is 19, with her experience turned off. I found some great deals on the auction house (a
Tree Bark Jacket for 9 gold!) and had her equip them. Here is
her armory link so you can see her progress. Has she got everything from the list in my head? Not quite. Let me show you what I have planned for her gear.

Head -
Lucky Fishing Hat. This may take a couple of Saturdays to get or more, so right now she is wearing
Green Tinted Goggles.
Neck -
Sentinel's Medallion. Currently she has nothing, but has a
Thick Bronze Necklace waiting in the mail(which may have been equipped by the time you read this).
Shoulders - We got our
Talbar Mantle! There is a
crafted cloth piece I'd like, but first I have to find it!
Chest - There is just no replacing the
Tree Bark Jacket when it comes to making a 19 caster or healer twink. There is no equivalent leather piece.
Wrists - The
Crystalline Cuffs Lostariel picked up in Ragefire Chasm are pretty nice. She will probably keep them, and get a pair of
Wrangler's Wristbands of the Eagle. Of course, a pair of
Mindthrust Bracers would also be nice...
Gloves -
Gold-flecked Gloves are a nice pair of gloves for a caster, even a leather wearing caster. No leather gloves at this level come close enough to consider.
Belt - Lostariel is wearing the
Girdle of the Blindwatcher for it's wonderful stats. She also has a
belt from her aquatic form quest, which could be a nice save in a pinch. Running all these random instances, there is the hope that there will be a caster friendly belt in the bag, but so far all Lostariel and
WoWHead have seen for leather belts have been
of the Wild (+10 attack power, +3 Stamina, +5 Agility) and
of the Bandit (+5 Agility, +5 Stamina, +10 Attack Power). Some commenters on WoWHead claim to have seen
of the Monkey and
of the Moon. I'll be hoping for an
of the Sorcerer drop.
Pants -
Smelting Pants from the Deadmines ae a good pair for any druid specialization. For more mana, I am thinking of picking up
Rigid Leggings of the Eagle (+5 Intellect, +5 Stamina). I didn't find any cloth items that did as much as these.
Boots - These have been tough to find. The
Bandit Boots Lostariel is currently wearing were an upgrade from some
Bard's Boots of the same type. I hate to upgrade, because, really, how can you get better looking than these? You can't, but you can get better stats, and that is where the
Spidersilk Boots come in. I just sent off materials to get these made to a tailor in my guild. Leather boots are mostly for melee classes, so cloth wins again
Back - The
Spidersilk Drape is a lovely piece. I am still hoping for a nice
from the random dungeon bag of goodies. We have a nice bunch already, one
of Stamina(+8 stamina) and one
of the Moon(+4 Intellect, +2 Stamina, +4 Spirit), and a couple of melee types in the bank. Again, I am hoping for an
of the Sorcerer drop.
Rings - Lostariel has
one ring on at the moment, because she is waiting for her wonderful husband the death knight to run her through the Stockades. Once that chain
is complete, Minya and Lostariel will be haunting the auction house, waiting for a
Blood Ring to surface. I am also toying with the idea of getting a
Bronze Band of Force. It is said to be a solid choice for any type of druid, and the +spell damages is said to be about 6.
Weapons - Druids can't dual wield at 19, and one handed weapons with an off hand don't match up to the stats a single staff provides. There are
many staves available to the twink. The
Twisted Chanter's Staff gives the most benefit, even though it is rather plain. I kept an
Emberstone Staff just for around town.

Trinkets - Got nothing in those slots yet. Here are the
available non-profession trinkets in the 19 twink universe.
For the heirloom trinkets, the stats are below, since WoWHead only shows them at level 80 stats.
Discerning Eye of the BeastEquip: Increases spell power by 7. Equip: Restores 2% of your maximum mana whenever you kill a target that yields experience or honor.Inherited Insignia of the AllianceEquip: Improves your resilience rating by 6. (-0.42%)Use: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects that cause loss of control of your character (5 min cooldown)Swift Hand of JusticeEquip: Improves haste rating by 6. (+3.69%)Equip: Heals you for 2% of your maximum health whenever you kill a target that yields experience or honor.The Arena Grand Master trinket takes a bit of work, and quite possibly some big, bad level 80 bodyguards. You need to collect 12 Arena Master trinkets to get this one. The on use part of this won't work for a lower level character, but the stamina is what it's all about. They are not unique, so stacking two of these is possible.
The Hook of the Master Angler is a hard one to get, especially if you are little. It has no worthwhile stats, but it is something available to the twink as an option. It is a trophy, useful only if you got that before you got your fishing hat.

I will be dragging Halinka through the random dungeon system as a healer to get the emblems needed to get at least one Discerning Eye of the Beast. They are not unique, so it is possible for her to have two. If I can get the hubby to escort me in the wee hours, I will be trying for an Arena Grand Master, just because I have never tried for one before. As a druid, I really don't feel like I need to get the PvP trinket with an enormous cooldown, but if the shards are there, I might pop one into her bags, just in case. None of these bind, so if Lostariel ever goes feral or just doesn't need an item, it can be shipped to another character.

That is all I have for now. Lostariel has been sitting in the Warsong queue for alost 20 minutes now with no bites. My next post will be on the status of the 10-19 battlegrounds in the Reckoning battlegroup. Stay tuned.