Delgada continues her quest to take selfies in all the places, so that she can get a title and a measly 5 achievement points. I am disgusted by what she is doing. I do, however, admire her sticktoitiveness. Yes, that word is underlined in red, as is the word selfies. If the world can make a word up, I can borrow another made up word from where ever it came from.
C'mon, Warchief, do the kissy face, like this! |
Orgrimmar, Valley of Strength. |
The Isles are a great vacation spot, mon. |
The Echo Isles, Durotar. |
All I want is your first born, dear. This can stop anytime. |
Onyxia's Lair, Dustwallow Marsh. |
Visiting an old fishing buddy. |
The Twin Colossals, Feralas. |
How do you take a selfie with a tree this big? |
The Nordrassil Inn, in the roots of Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal. |
Defiling the moonwell. |
The Barrow Den, Moonglade. |
Underground. |
Deathwing's Fall, Deepholm. |
*holding breath* |
Breathtaking Beauty in Vash'jir. |
Hey Hey Girlfriend! Let's go dancing! |
The Shaper's Terrace, Un'Goro Crater. |
Oh, snap. |
The Caverns of Time, Tanaris. |
I am so glad I changed before I flew out here. He's wearing the same outfit I was this morning! |
The Scarab Dais, Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus. |
One with my homies for the road! |
Love that last expression!
I am so bad at selfies. I just hate looking at my character's face so close!
Ugh, yeah some of those faces Del makes...It's a wonder the lens hasn't shattered!
I love the undead. They know my soul. Also those selfies are awesome!
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