Monday, July 22, 2013

Finger Painting For Grownups.

I'm so proud of my work on Draw Something 2.  I'm not nearly as good as some, but I'm having fun.  That's the point, right? So, without further ado, here are some of my latest masterpieces.

Because drawing an actual cookie is boring.
Playing with the crayon tool.
1,2,3 more crayons...HA HA HA!
Seeing this larger than I drew it makes me wish I played on a tablet.
Outlining with a finger is so hard!
Playing with the pattern tool.

Yes, this is me BEGGING you to play with me!  My user name is in every one of those screenshots.  Come draw silly, bad pictures with me. I'll laugh at yours if you laugh at mine.  Here, proof that they aren't all great doodles...


1 comment:

Luxypie said...

Those are amazing! I want to play against you some time!