On my last post someone called me out for what amounted to laziness on my part. I wanted all the fun, but I didn't want to do the research. In leaving the research up to a random website with no commenters(!), I was leaving my sad little windwalker in the dust where it came to quality gear planning. Following up on advice, I went to WoWhead and used their item search and comparison tool, just on gloves.
Oops. |
The Metalworking Gloves I have been salivating over are not the best for my girl, the Foreman's Gloves are. But wait, where do they drop from? Foreman Thistlenettle, an undead guy in the depths of the caves near the entrance to the Deadmines instance. WoWhead says he is no longer in the game, but I have news for them, he is.
Proof of undeath. |
He spawns near the back corner of the Deadmines caves, behind almost all the undead, and his respawn time is between 5-10 (but usually 6) minutes. On my low pop server, there was only one other in our cross realm zone that was trying to camp him, and either he got what he wanted or gave up.
Right here! |
Racy, the patient assassin, was sent to do the job. 9:35:37 AM, Friday the 26th, just one day after starting to farm for the Foreman's Gloves, they dropped, along with at least one valuable blue item. Not enough to justify the time spent, to a goblin, but enough to make it almost OK to this gal. Silly Bryonia was so excited she slapped those gloves on right away, making it impossible for me to enchant them for her! I think it can still be done through the trade window, so I will be employing a guild mate to help.
Oh well, complain away, why not check the other non-heirloom slots? I checked the wrist slot, and my Black Wolf Bracers are the best I can get. There was a pair a little higher, but the quest to open the vendor requires level 24, even though they had no minimum use level. How about my belt?
Still some farming to do here. |
Raw stats win out over secondaries in this comparison. Bryonia is wearing the Vigorous Belt of the Wild, which is third best. Since I can't enchant this slot anyway, she'll have to make do until she finds one. On to the boots!
Not surprised, really. |
Feet of the Lynx have been prized by agility twinks since their first drop. Poor Bryonia was wearing third best again. I think I've seen the second best on the auction house, and I lost a roll to someone who oopsed in a dungeon on the best in slot just last week. She was incredibly luck to find them on the auction house tonight. The ring slot is already occupied with the best. For fun, why don't we look at the leg slot? This will give me a chance to compare armor addons. Did you know this tool did that?
The heirlooms are still the winner.
The Smelting Pants look like a solid winner until you look at what enhancements can be added to them. Being soulbound, the highest she can put on herself are only armor modifiers. I believe she can have someone put a Heavy Knothide Armor Kit on them, which adds 3 stamina, but it's not enough. With Shadowleather Leg Armor applied, the heirloom pants win, with the Defias pants coming in second, but not close enough to matter. But look at the set bonus! Would it be enough with the set bonus? Until I can round them up and enhance them, the world may never know (mostly because, math). Bryonia is holding onto the pants, already modified, just in case.
Window shopping. |
For the chest slot, there is a better alternative than the heirloom piece. Gloomshroud Armor, a drop in Shadowfang Keep, is the best of the best. WoWhead lists the drop rate at 0%, but there are some confirmed recent sightings in the comments. Guess Racy will be in there next. She might even get lucky and have a Shadowfang to sell for her trouble!
I haven't examined every single slot, but I am exhausted. Bryonia will be set in her best in slot items as soon as can be, and I will share the finished product with you. Until then, here is a picture of her finished transmog. If she can't be perfect in her gearing, at least she can look dangerous!
Snakes! |