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For me? I'm so flattered! |
1. Are you a screenshot taker? How many do you have? Post one of your favorites.
I take a lot of screenshots. Unfortunately, I don't back up all the ones I take, and only have what I have shared on my blog. I recently got a new computer, so all my screenshots are still on my laptop, gathering dust in a corner of my bedroom. Of the ones I have on my blog, I love them all. Still, some of my very favorites are the ones my hubby is in with me, because I love playing with him. Here is one that was posted on WoW Insider
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Delgada and Sinnerman, reenacting a wedding? |
My guild at the time was playing Star Wars Galaxies, and after the many changes they had made, we wanted to stay together, but the game was not home anymore. Several suggested WoW, and that is where we went. I'm still here, on a different server, and there are still some of the guild remaining, but the guild is pretty much gone.
For the ambiance, I love Scholomance. Karazhan is also a huge favorite. If I can stay behind and play tourist afterward, there are many I like to explore in. Zul'Gurub was my favorite to raid in, the first time it came out. I can't go back without feeling the loss.
A separate faction? Tough question. I love the Horde for making their way in the tough places, be it as strangers to the planet or peoples brought to the brink of extinction, or forced into their plight and shunned by the ones they lived with. I was very upset with the path Garrosh plowed for us, and was so happy when Vol'jin was named his successor. I'd never want Delgada to have to leave them.
Now, I have always loved exploring, and the Explorer's League is pretty awesome. If I could be a part of their faction, and neutral to the others, that would be a great thing! It'll never happen, of course, but this is what if!
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Electrified Razortooth |
I about squealed when I saw him on the Isle of the Thunder. When I got him, he became my go-to pet for most battles, and not because of abilities, though he has good ones. Sparky is my boy, and I love him so much, he is one of less than 10 pets I have named.
You know that saying, you don't know what you've got until it's gone? Well, I had bits of the items needed to put together Benediction/Anathema in my bags when they made the announcement that it was no longer in the game. I still have the Eye of Divinity in my void storage.
Shaman confuse me. I have a level 70 something shaman, but she sits there, unused. Recruit a friend was fun, just not really something that helps me learn a class well. Maybe if I try again?
Mists of Pandaria is a beautiful expansion. I was able to do things I've not been able to in a long time, like raid, gear up others beside my main, and have time to do nothing but farm if I wanted to. I still have many things to do, and am not in a hurry at all for the next expansion. My favorite thing from this expansion? It has to be transmogrification. My least favorite thing? The Timeless (waste of time) Island. I cringe to think of the many more hours I still have to get to exalted with Shao-hao because I must have that mount. *cry*
Warlords of Draenor coming means I get about a month or two of my hubby playing with me, which is definitely something to look forward to. I tried to entice him back with a huge flying robot mount, which was just finished yesterday, but unless he transfers a character over or uses a boost, that mount will be in Shawndra's bags until WoD.
I have to pick one? I play undead, and so I love Sylvanas. But, I love my trolls, too, as that was my first character ever, and so I love Vol'jin. Cairne was awesome, and I love that I can visit Baine and see the mace that was given to him by Varian. Lor'themar has had a lot of story happen for him this expansion, but he has a lot to go before he becomes a favorite. I guess if I have to choose one it would be Vol'jin, with the Dark Lady as an extremely close second.
Yes. If I am in any dungeon, raid, or even out in the world and I pick up something, I try it on. If it looks good and I can wear it, I keep it. If it looks good but is the wrong armor class or shows too much bone for Del, I send it off to Bittsee to sell. If I don't think it looks good at all, I disenchant it right on the spot. My void storage is full, my bank is full, and I really need more room!
Thanks for the questions, Rep! Here are the questions from JD.
- Presume you blogged regardless. If it wasn’t World of Warcraft/MMO’s, what would your blog be about?
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Things have changed a lot since I drew this. |
2.Out of all the Caverns of Time, which one do you enjoy the most? The least?
Old Hillsbrad Foothills, hands down. There is so much to see and do in there. Patterns to buy, conversations to overhear, a sombrero you can loot that summons a dog...
3.Is there a class in WoW you just can’t bring yourself to like?
I guess this is where I hate on shaman again. Really, It's not hate, not even dislike, it's more of a misunderstanding is all. All those totems are a little intimidating.
4.Are you a board gamer, or a pen & paper gamer…or just video games?
Card games and board games happen in my household sometimes. Our favorite is Monopoly, though honestly I don't know why. Most of the time people leave the game sore, tired, and mad. We also love playing a card game call Car Wars. I don't think it is still in production, but it is great fun! Once in a while when my siblings share days off we'll put together and impromptu Scrabble game. Last time we had two games going, with mom and hubby and a kid along, and did a final match where the winners on each board went head to head. Some of my favorite memories are sitting over a folding card table trying to fit a piece into a puzzle that had been going for days. Can't do things like that here, for obvious reasons.
5.What would you like to see Blizzard grant the Warcraft license to?
Can you imagine a Warcraft TV series? Hubby suggested that. I'm all for a Warcraft lunch box and thermos to sit next to my Mickey Mouse Club and Holly Hobbie boxes.
6.What racial leader would you follow into battle, no questions asked?
Well, since Thrall is out, who does that leave? I'm not sure I know Vol'jin enough to follow blindly, and I know the Dark Lady is no saint. Even the goblins don't trust Gallywix! Lor'themar? Baine? Too many unknown factors there. Varian is too hot headed. The Iron Council is still too shaky. Gelbin Mekkatorque is too crafty to trust easily. Velen is a pretty fair minded fella, and Tyrande too, but they are Alliance, and Delgada can only admire them from very very far away. I guess that leaves nobody.
7.Many people point to Wrath as the pinnacle of the game. If you were introducing someone to WoW for the first time, what would you show them outside of that expansion?
I guess it depends on the person. If they are looking for great looking graphics I would, assuming I get a two seater by then, would fly them around Pandaria, especially to the Arboretum, that neat bog area in the Dread Wastes, and under the Kypari trees in Townlong Steppes. With the graphics on high, the colors in these areas pop, and the attention to detail (like the sap droplets in Townlong) is amazing. Oh, and I would take them to see the Sha of Anger in Kun Lai Summit if he was up, because!!!
If they were looking for challenging game play and I couldn't drag them into a raid, I would probably take them to the Timeless Isle (if they wouldn't die) just to see how the mobs can keep a person on their toes. If they were just looking over my shoulder I might try to run LFR Siege of Orgrimmar wing 2, mostly because that is the furthest I have gone, and it is still hard for me.
8.What’s your proudest WoW moment?
As much as I really dislike doing it, I guess my biggest moment was tanking Prince Malchezzar in Karazhan when KNR was still raiding together. I was really nervous and I think I ground a layer of enamel off my teeth learning the fights, but I am happy I did it. I haven't tanked since, but am gathering gear again "just in case".
9.Gold: Rich beyond words, enough to get by comfortably, or always needing to generate it for repairs?
I used to hang out in the "OMG where am I going to get the gold to repair?!" until recently. Now I'm closer to comfortable. I'd love to have so much gold that I could buy anything. Any sugar daddies out there? Hubby?
10.What about Hearthstone? Yes? No? Or the other common answer of “I hate this #&$^ game!”
Yes! I've only put 2.99 into it and it is obvious by the way I was murdered earlier tonight with a deck full of legendaries. Still, I'm slowly trying to get up the rank ladder. I play stupid strategies though. Like this one...
I keel you wit a sheep. Baaaaa! |
11.If World of Warcraft was gone when you wake up in the morning, what would be your fondest memory?
Sneaking into Ironforge with Hubby and Baz on our rogues, killing the auctioneers. Watching Hubby play "What's in the boss' pockets?". Running for the instance portal when Hubby finds out the boss doesn't have pockets. Twinking out level 39 characters and owning Arathi Basin. Twinking out level 19 toons and owning Warsong Gulch. Passing plague around in Orgrimmar after a fun run in Zul Gurub. Finding a new home in Pwny Express. Meeting people who play WoW everywhere, and hanging out with some of them at our meetup group. Blizzcon! I have too many great memories, and am glad I have a place to write them down here.
Now, to nominate some others. Hmmm. Frankly, I'm at a loss. I waited too long? I have been working on this for a week now, and had to go back and add more because, I waited too long! So, I'm calling out our fearless meetup group leader who needs something to start up with, and one other.
- Adoree at Adoree's Adventures.
- You! Why? Because you haven't done it enough? Because you haven't done it yet. Because I'm lame and I'm not following you (and I should!).
Here are eleven questions for the lucky winners to answer.
1) What is your favorite game? Don't limit yourself. Pen and paper, tabletop, console, computer, even the local pizza place cabinet are all contenders!
2) Do you read? Tell me about your favorite book/series.
3) I know you are creative. Tell me about the last thing you made, in game or out.
4) What zone has your favorite music?
5) We all have to eat. Does your favorite food have an in game equivalent? Oh, I want the recipe, the real world version!
6) What ability out of everything in the game would you want that your character doesn't have?
7) Do you have a game you play when your usual title is frustrating, boring, or overwhelming?
8) Do you have Steam? How many games haven't you played that you bought?
9) PVE or PVP?
10) What has been your favorite quest or quest chain?
11) Is your character anything like the real you?
Here are the rules, in case you need them. Feel free to steal the art I stole and use it on your site for your post, too!
Now, I read somewhere that I have to give 11 tidbits about myself here.
1) My daughter is in the hospital right now going through the middle stages of labor. I could be a grandma (again) by morning or sooner!
2) As I sit here typing and eating Salt and Pepper chips, I remember that I have lost 10 pounds in the last 3 months. I better put them away.
3) It has taken me 19 years and 7 kids, but I can finally say that I am now a soccer mom!
4) I have pirate flags as curtains in my living room windows. They weren't my idea, but after seeing those kids with their fund raising form deliberately walk on the other side of the street to not knock on my door, I'm sold.
5) Posting random things on social media accounts that were left open to me makes me giddy.
6) One of my real world happy places is the swap meet near my house. For a buck and 2 quarters, I can get some new jewelry and enjoy some great people watching.
7) I procrastinate...a lot. Oh, wait, you probably already knew that.
8) I am addicted to the Tiny Tower app on my phone. My tower has 181 floors. No, make that 182!
9) I speak Spanish fluently, but play dumb around the people I work with.
10) My white hairs have grown into a nice Rogue streak. My latest dye job has lasted a long time because of this new ombre thing.
11) My favorite cat was named Tommy. Hubby's name is Tommy. His last wife and several girlfriends were named Jennifer. This may have been meant to be...
Thanks again for the nominations! I'll pop in again soon to write a post wholly of my own, maybe a Blog Azeroth topic even. As you can tell by reading the random facts about me, I've been busy. Until then, kick some sand in one of the Dark Shaman's faces for me!
8) Do you have Steam? How many games haven't you played that you bought?
9) PVE or PVP?
10) What has been your favorite quest or quest chain?
11) Is your character anything like the real you?
Here are the rules, in case you need them. Feel free to steal the art I stole and use it on your site for your post, too!
Now, I read somewhere that I have to give 11 tidbits about myself here.
1) My daughter is in the hospital right now going through the middle stages of labor. I could be a grandma (again) by morning or sooner!
2) As I sit here typing and eating Salt and Pepper chips, I remember that I have lost 10 pounds in the last 3 months. I better put them away.
3) It has taken me 19 years and 7 kids, but I can finally say that I am now a soccer mom!
4) I have pirate flags as curtains in my living room windows. They weren't my idea, but after seeing those kids with their fund raising form deliberately walk on the other side of the street to not knock on my door, I'm sold.
5) Posting random things on social media accounts that were left open to me makes me giddy.
6) One of my real world happy places is the swap meet near my house. For a buck and 2 quarters, I can get some new jewelry and enjoy some great people watching.
7) I procrastinate...a lot. Oh, wait, you probably already knew that.
8) I am addicted to the Tiny Tower app on my phone. My tower has 181 floors. No, make that 182!
9) I speak Spanish fluently, but play dumb around the people I work with.
10) My white hairs have grown into a nice Rogue streak. My latest dye job has lasted a long time because of this new ombre thing.
11) My favorite cat was named Tommy. Hubby's name is Tommy. His last wife and several girlfriends were named Jennifer. This may have been meant to be...
Thanks again for the nominations! I'll pop in again soon to write a post wholly of my own, maybe a Blog Azeroth topic even. As you can tell by reading the random facts about me, I've been busy. Until then, kick some sand in one of the Dark Shaman's faces for me!